Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jasmine Guy plays role in "October Baby"

Jasmine Guy's performance in the small box-office movie "October Baby" has been getting favorable reviews. The movie tells the story of a young woman named Hannah, played by newcomer Rachel Hendrix, who discovers early in the film that her mother tried but failed to abort her late in her pregnancy. She was subsequently adopted and spends much of the movie looking for her birth mother. The movie also costars John Schneider.

"Jasmine Guy is also superb in one beautifully wrought scene as the ex-abortion clinic nurse who later witnessed Hannah's birth." -Los Angeles Times
"Her pivotal speech, a gory portrait of fetal mutilation and maternal distress, conjures a vision of medical hackery that is clearly intended to terrify young women..." -The New York Times  
All are encouraged to see the movie. You can find nearest theaters and showtimes by clicking here.

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